Melody Jackson and the House on Lafayette Street (Volume 1)

Melody Jackson and the House on Lafayette Street (Volume 1) - B M B Johnson I was given a free book for an honest review.

A bizarre story about a tween named Melody and her ""friend"" Flutter. Crazy, disjointed adventures follow Melody's family and Flutter. Melody is rude and is mean to her friend Flutter, who she sees as a bully. Although it could be said Melody is quite the bully herself. I just could not like Melody. Hopefully she loses the b-factor as the series progresses.

I did enjoy the ancient alien background.

This book needs an editor badly.

Overall, the book was decent, if you can stand Melody's know-it-all comments. She's like Lisa Simpson, only meaner. I might take a look at the other books when they're released just to see what happens.